DREAMS ... are my reality ...!

Ob er wohl von einem sonnigen Sommer träumt ...?!

Gestern haben wir noch die Flügkünste der Schwalben am Feldrand bewundert; wie sie ihre Brust mutig in die "Windbrandung" hielten ... und ... heute ....... *schnarch*

Strömender Regen ... und der Herbst ... aaaaaaaaaaaaargh ... *träum*


I wonder if he dreams about a sunny summer ... ?!

Yesterday we enjoyed how the swallows presented their breasts courageously into the "surf of wind" while levitating over the fields ... and ... today ....... *snore*

It's raining cats and dogs ... and autumn ... aaaaaaaaaaaaargh ... *dream*

2 Kommentare

  1. Oh, how adorable that face is! Is that Henri, or is that another puppy? Makes me long for a puppy so much!

  2. Yes, Angie ... it's "heartnose" Henry. Looking at his face you can see that his mother was an otter ... :)

    (... maybe that's why he loves rain so much ...)


Schön, Dich hier zu sehen & DANKE, für Deine umsichtige Wortwahl!


Nice to have you around & THANKS, for your thoughtful words!