Als ich heute meinen Irrsinn bei LE "abwarf" habe ich etwas über die SNORKS erfahren ...

Aus irgendeinem Grund wurde Ricky beim Betrachten meiner Perle an diesen Cartoon erinnert, den sie Mitte der 80er Jahre geguckt hat. Mich hat der Trailer an Mr. Trooper erinnert ... ein älteres Design von mir ... :)

Schon lustig, wie das Gehirn so "tickt" ... !


Today when I "dropped" my lunacy in LE I learned about the SNORKS ...

For some reason my bead reminded Ricky of the cartoon she watched as a kid in the mid-80's. While I watched the trailer I thought about Mr. Trooper ... an older design of mine ... :)

Funny how the brain works ... !

2 Kommentare

  1. Well, I didn't remember the Snorks, but your bead is definitely someone said, it is so perfectly done that it is stunning.

  2. Oh, my ... I've just read it ... :)

    Jayne wrote "... and make it seem deceitfully easy." I learned a new vocabulary and found myself speechless.

    Right now I'm sitting here and smile at your picture. I might have a surprise for you ... tomorrow ... but that's not for sure ... just a might.

    OK --- gonna check if Katie painted another Koala ... :)


Schön, Dich hier zu sehen & DANKE, für Deine umsichtige Wortwahl!


Nice to have you around & THANKS, for your thoughtful words!